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Sitting Art. 109 of the Constitution states that the Sejm debates in the course of sittings. A sitting of the Sejm is the sole public forum where the full importance of parliamentary work as well as the decisive role of the Sejm in legitimising the government and the State can be appreciated. In the Polish Sejm, as in the case of many other Parliaments, the most important decisions are made either by committees, during meetings of parliamentary clubs or those held in the seats of political parties. The sitting of the Sejm serves two main purposes: on the one hand, it is a means of publicising arguments put forward during the political debate, on the other hand, it provides the people in power and part of the political elite with an opportunity for presenting themselves to the public. From the point of view of the electoral needs of the Deputies and their parties an important role is played by public tv broadcast - even if fragmentary - of the debates.

Public opinion regards sittings of the Sejm as a place where law is made. This is another reason why everything which takes place during the plenary debates is of such essential importance for shaping the political culture of a democratic State ruled by law.