Within its remit, the Special Services Committee deals inter alia with issuing opinions on draft bills and normative acts regulating the activity of the special services, issuing opinions on action guidelines and examining chief-of-unit annual reports on the activity of the special services, issuing opinions on financial statements on the performance of statutory tasks by the special services, issuing opinions on motions for appointment or dismissal of special service chiefs of unit and their deputies, analysing information from special service chiefs of unit on internal security, the international position and the economic and defence potential of the Republic of Poland, analysing information from the special services on particularly important events in their activity, including on alleged breaches of law by the services; examination of complaints about the activity of the special services; evaluation of the special services' cooperation with the institutions authorised to perform operational intelligence activities in the framework of actions taken to protect Poland's security; analysing the security preparedness of critical infrastructure, the state ICT security, the level of terrorist threat and effectiveness of protection of strategic economic sectors, evaluation of the special services' cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, government administration bodies, law enforcement bodies and special services of other countries.